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Can Wisdom Come With Age?

I am often foolish and it causes me suffering.

It tends to come from the disconnected side of me that thinks I need more of something to be happy. More love. More money. More comfort. More security. This foolish side of me often depends on validation from others. My stupid words and actions come from a blinkered, short term view of life.  For many years I've tried desperately to hide this foolish part of me. But I've fooled no one but myself.


But as I’ve got older I’ve found unexpected wisdom.

I’ve found it in unlikely places. In grief. In pain. In Nature. In joy. In humour. In play.  It’s a part of me that I’ve only started discovering in later life and it feels like a miracle. It’s a wonder and joy! Like finding a precious jewel that seems to have appeared out of nowhere. I can still be weak, greedy and behave like an idiot. But now I focus my intention everyday on manifesting wisdom rather than spending energy on denying the fool.

We all have the potential for more wisdom but just because you have a few white hairs, it doesn’t automatically follow that you’ll be wise. Unlike knowledge, wisdom is not something that you can learn from others. Unlike intelligence, you can’t measure wisdom. But you can develop wisdom.  It is in each of us. It comes from the heart and a deep understanding that we are not separate from each other or from the laws of nature. It comes from a deep trust in your life.

We need wisdom to deal with the challenges of growing older.

We need it now! Before it is too late!! There are often difficult decisions ahead of us that have far-reaching consequences around retirement, family and making end-of-life choices. There’s an abundance of knowledge and information out there, but wisdom is in short supply. How do we deal with impermanence and our mortality? You may well have some answers that Google and the greatest scientists haven't yet discovered.

At Life-Stage, we focus on finding clarity about what it is you really want as you age. In a confusing world, what is the intention for your life? This is mighty question and its a difficult one to answer. After that it takes effort and time to embed your life-intention into your being. But once you have clarity of intention, wisdom will naturally emerge. It's extraordinary! People say 'Trust the Process" but this only works if you have clarity.

Nicola, Simon, myself and some of the Life-Stage team will be talking about how we might transform foolishness into wisdom. Perhaps you’ll join us? Even share your thoughts and experiences? Go on! It’s the wise thing to do!  It costs just £5.00


This is the second in a series of monthly on-line events based on my book, THE POWER IN AGEING

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I love this blog. It is so well thought out and written. Jan Penfold

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