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The point of Life-Stage membership is to enable easy access to an on-going group who are committed to exploring and deepening connection with ourselves and with each other as we grow older.  Any worthwhile change or development doesn’t happen overnight. Recently Life-Stage has planted a few seeds, but if we are to see real benefits and results in our lives, we need to keep on planting and tending the emerging shoots. The Power in Ageing is not a one-off event - it’s an on-going practice that we do together.



The recurring themes that we explore in all our sessions are courage, wisdom and love. These are absolutely key to well-being in later life -  regardless of wealth or health. We may know something of the many challenges in the second half of life - retirement, illness, loneliness and loss.  At times we may feel alone and powerless  but we are not - we all have greater innate resources than we realise. By regularly using  some of the Life-Stage tools and rituals such as dyads (empathic listening and spontaneous sharing),  we broaden our perspective on life. We remember that we are inter-dependent and we can build a strong Elder group together.


One of the strengths of Life-Stage is that it is a group of talented people with huge experience and diverse skills. This coming year  we can find new ways of working together to offer more opportunities to engage and deepen connection. 

  • Life-Stage Membership

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    Monthly - Cancel anytime
    • Unlimited free entry to all of the day sessions
    • Unlimted free entry to month discussion Forum
    • Opportunities to facilitate/crew events
    • Join inner circle to guide direction of Life-Stage
    • £10 per month. Cancel any time
    • Obtain discounted shares after 1 year.
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