What's so good about ageing?
​In the Life-Stage workshops, the most common replies were;
I feel that I’ve come into my own
I care less about what others think about me
I know what I want and what I don’t want
Of course, ageing is not so bad when you think of the alternative!
What worries you about ageing?
It’s natural to have some concerns about ageing, such as the loss of mental or physical capabilities. We may fear becoming lonely or isolated in later life.
As we get older, events such as the death of a parent or retiring from work can make us ask some profound questions? What’s the point? What’s my purpose?
There's only one thing we know for certain ....
Change is inevitable !
Nothing stays the same. All life ages and transforms. There is nothing we can do to stop the arrow of time no matter how hard we try to stay fit, active and financially secure.
So knowing that we can't prevent ageing, how do we make the most of our days?
We have considerable life experience and probably more wisdom and courage than we realise. By engaging with the ageing process, we can empower ourselves in a way that would have been impossible when we were younger. As mature adults we have certainly known loss and have come to realise how fragile and precious life is.
Life-Stage is a community that is passionate about finding meaning and fulfilment in the second half of life. We believe it’s essential for our well-being to keep developing ourselves, rather than succumbing to narrow or repetitive thinking. In the Power of Ageing programmes, we discover how to use our inner wisdom, strength and sensitivity to find fulfilment now and in the future.
On-line courses – The Power of Ageing
facilitated in small groups
(The Power of Ageing)
facilitated in various venues
to ask questions and to resolve doubts about whether this work is right for you at this time in your life
The book by Adam Duncan is available to buy here.
FREE Discussion Forum
Each month Life-Stage facilitates an open Discussion Forum around issues such as;
Grief (& Joy)
Who or what is an Elder?
Ageism - the last 'acceptable' face of prejudice
Asking For Help
Attachments & letting go
Relationships as we age
Is it time to move to a Retirement Village?
You would be welcome to join our exploration and to listen as well as share (if you wish) in small groups.
If you send us your email, you will receive an invite to the monthly Forum with a team of expert facilitators. It runs from 11.00am to 12.30 on the last Sunday of every month.